
Journal Entry 4 May 8, 04

The monkeys were a little different on our walk up to the famous temple Uluwatu which is perched fantastically on the edge of the high limestone cliff’s.

These guys are not shy of tourists and very in charge of their temple gardens.  

We happily purchased three little bags of peanuts from the old man at the entrance and carefully hid them as we were told so that we could feed the creatures, one-by-one just as we were told.  Ya, RIGHT!  

I'm glad we were warned to resist the temptation to touch them by the old man who, by his own means, decided to "guide" us for a small fee when I saw a big male bare all of his sharp teeth and hiss at Morgan who had decided to SAVE it from chewing the plastic of the bag he had already stolen from her!!  If only I could have captured the look on HER face.  

Hearts beating fast and nearing the end of our walk I decided to capture a lovely, peaceful grooming session on my camera.  As soon as that monkey heard the ZIIIPPP of my pack open he was on me so fast snatching my sunglasses right out of my bag!  I was thrilled that I still had my more valuable camera so I began to shoot photos of him dangling my favorite Oakley sunglasses hundreds of meters above the crashing rocks below with the drop back of a pink ocean sunset behind.  The beast seemed to be enjoying the idea of a fight!   Our "guide" gave him our last bag of peanuts but he only hissed and bared teeth and even came at us the more he tried.  Then out of nowhere appeared a man with a case of peanuts and an enormous First Aid Kit (prefer not to think of why).  He tossed him a bag of nuts while saying some magic words and bingo, quick as a wink he grabbed my glasses, and I got the photos, which were best of all!

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